Archive of our own spock with an escort. 2. Archive of our own spock with an escort

 2Archive of our own spock with an escort  His T'hy'la Kirk plans to do everything he can to help his First Officer & Best Friend & Secret Love Interest

This story takes place some years later when the captain and his first officer decide it's time for them to enjoy some much needed shore leave. Sarek x McCoy. Our other major projects include: Fanlore, a fandom wiki devoted to preserving the history of transformative fanworks and the fandoms from which they have arisen. James T. Alternate Universe. Now, in an alternate timeline, he has been given the chance to warn Sybok of where his search for the god of Sha Ka Ree will lead him. Kirk/Khan Noonien Singh/Spock. Humour. He sauntered around the table for a consolation kiss, which led to Spock's hands sliding under his shirt, which led to a naked, slow grind on the bed. she does not know how to paint. hoping, praying every night for the feeling to fade. Kirk became a single father. Upon those who step into the same rivers, different and ever different waters flow down. Tarsus IV Massacre (Star Trek) Tarsus IV (Star Trek) Friendship. First Kiss. 4000 settlers dead. Kirk. 18. Saavik's new command staff and the old Enterprise crew. that would stir and torment the mind of every Vulcan he meets, as they cannot resist the calling of the rawest, most basic feeling: that of owning and of belonging. Nick Burkhardt. "Spock, stop giving him the cold shoulder and come say hello. At the first press, Kirk closes his eyes and feels Spock's hand slide around to cup the back of his head, the other around his shoulders, pulling him in flush with his own super-hot body. Works; Bookmarks; FiltersSpock is so beautiful, and it feels incredible, too, the way his belly rubs against Jim's cock through his pants. After Spock leaves Pike on Talos IV, Ash Tyler finds him and offers him a job. Monroe (Grimm) Pre-Season/Series 01. We received a 35% bump in donations in July and August of 2023. Requited Unrequited Love. 5. Soft hands in hers. After Spock is telepathically and sexually assaulted during shore leave Jim and Bones are determined to help Spock heal. Kirk; Spock (Star Trek) Leonard "Bones" McCoy; Hikaru Sulu; Pavel Chekov; Nyota Uhura; Janice Rand; Gaila (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series)Spock sat up, coughing, eyes wide, right after that and the dude vanished. Touch-Starved. This story takes place after the reboot movies. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed; Pages Navigation. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksSpock looks up at the gorgeous, golden man above him, the knowledge that this beautiful specimen desires him filling him with a sudden boldness. Part 8 of the "Soul Possessions" series, covering the secret missions undertaken by Spock and Uhura into the Neutral Zone, as they were assigned in Chapter 26 of part 7 "Pais e Santos". An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. He observes some issues and uses his way to solve it, while adoring this. James T. His own alien heritage making for surprisingly excellent company. alt title; cut my life into pieces, make a kaleidoscope. Hermione Granger is a twenty-third century witch but she is not willing to give up science. In the TOS novel Crisis on Centaurs, we learn Kirk owns a cabin on Centaurs, and in a brief line mentions how he planned to take spock their someday. Feelings Realization. All thanks to Captain James T. Log In. We received a 35% bump in donations in July and August of 2023. Part 22 of Mpreg stories. Kirk/Spock fanfic legacy might be saved by Archive of Our Own - Polygon. Seeing a young Vulcan interact with his son makes Spock think about his own upbringing. And three, the object of his affections is one Captain James T. His relationship with T'pring is strained and circumstances force him to seek the new. Tenth Doctor. 5. Log In. The other, an empathic Celian, believing in the power of pathos. Buck’s an Escort,. This mission is dangerous, and will touch on dark moments. James T. Still, the last thing he gets to see is the face of one of his dearest friends. Language: English Words. Spock (Star Trek) Reunions. Abuse. First-person, Kirk’s POV. Alternate Universe - Modern Setting. In which Katsuki confesses, gets rejected and Izuku proceeds to fall headfirst into feelings he doesn't have a name for. Spock (Star Trek) Canon Compliant. Spock is De-aged into a toddler, and who else better qualifies to take care of a child, than an old southern doctor. Spock (Star Trek) Los sucesos ocurren durante los acontecimientos de la primera película del 2009, mientras Jim y Spock se infiltran en la Narada para detener a Nero, Sarek hace un descubrimiento abrumador en relación al joven oficial Médico de la Enterprise. This is a sequel to "The Castaways", following "Going Home". When Amanda taught Spock and Sarek how to make a gingerbread house, she didn't know the tradition would be passed on to a granddaughter she would never meet. Complete Work. I am writing a different Kirk/Spock fanfic at the moment but I'm really falling down on the sex scenes because I'm. The answer to his lonely, quite frankly, pathetic, existence might be a high-end escort who sells the fantasy of a relationship. Unrequited Love. Blood and Gore. Kinkmeme. “Lieutenant Spock, the captain and I are on board, you are not authorised -” “Excuse me, sirs,” Uhura interrupts. Language: English Words: 3,725 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 26 Kudos: 94 Bookmarks: 15 Hits. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Little did they know, the kids would outlast the adults. This story takes place in an alternate dom/sub universe in which submissives are required by law to bond with dominants at the age of 21. Open Doors, a sister project to Archive Of Our Own ( AO3) and backed by the Organization for Transformative Works ( OTW ), is a tireless effort to preserve various. 1. Are they opposites or just two sides of the same coin—logos and pathos. " All of these stories could stand alone, can stand alone, in a vacuum. Kirk. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Music. Crew of the Starship Enterprise & Original Character. Kirk Loves Spock. 1 - 20 of 368 Works in Married James T. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works My Only: Five times Spock used their bond to communicate, and the one time Kirk did - Chapter 3 - cutiebiz - Star Trek: The Original Series [Archive of Our Own]An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. He meets Spock, and after a mind meld accidentally bonds them, Spock has to live with the consequences. Crossover with the series finale of Picard. Spock/Reader; Spock (Star Trek)/You; Reader; Spock (Star Trek) James T. Kirk was an omega who defied the stereotypes to become the youngest Starfleet captain in history. James T. He and Spock have become a force to be reckoned with as far as them being a command team since their time on the Enterprise started 8 months ago but Jim knows the Vulcan still. Spock and Kirk begin a relationship together only to be met with obstacles set out by fate and Starfleet. A small, rickety old house in the middle of Iowa was not what he expected, but Amanda has an old friend there, Winona Kirk, that invited her to stay. Part 1 of Star Trek Discovery/Timeless AU. Movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Post-Movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Trektober Day 6 Prompt: Observation Deck. Act Normal by summerofspock. Though hearts and heads might not be the only body parts under consideration. James T. Kirk/Spock; kirk/spock - Character; McCoy (TOS) Summary. Leonard McCoy. No Archive Warnings Apply; Spock/Nyota Uhura; James T. "Excellent," Spock said. Part 8 of the "Soul Possessions" series, covering the secret missions undertaken by Spock and Uhura into the Neutral Zone, as they were assigned in Chapter 26 of part 7 "Pais e Santos". Written for this kinkmeme prompt. Written for the prompt: "On an away mission Kirk and Uhura are both killed, leaving their lover's devestated. Spock. Spock is a dramaqueen. Kirk. When you reject your best friend's (not so) romantic declaration, all you can do to save the friendship is act normal. Language: English Words: 7,030 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 2 Comments: 38 Kudos: 178. Kirk. Years later, now a starship captain, Kirk meets Finnegan again. Chapter 3: McCoy is tired of his swollen belly, which leaves him tired and weak. Spock (Star Trek) (16) Anathema Device (9) Leonard "Bones" McCoy (9) Nyota Uhura (8) Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (7) Newton Pulsifer (7)Sibling Rivalry. The origin story of how Mirror Kirk decides to take over the. Spock merely nods at Za, but the twitch at the corner of his mouth indicates he is pleased. but then his innate good nature had surfaced and he’d laughed at his own paranoia. Main Content Archive of Our Own beta. AO3, is a multi-fandom archive website owned and operated by the Organization for Transformative Works, which largely hosts fanfiction. "Jim," Spock gasped, shifting to him automatically. mention of dubcon. . An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Sarek / Amanda. 2. No Archive Warnings Apply; Spock/Nyota Uhura; James T. 1 - 20 of 38 Works in Spock and Nyota on AO3. Kirk. There are three problems with this. Name's Jim Kirk. Part of the Dirty Cupid Series universe but can be read on its own. Leonard H. Spock (Star Trek) Star Trek - Various Authors; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV)Spock's life is forever changed when, upon his rejection of going to the Vulcan Science Academy in favor of joining Starfleet, his mother decides to take him on a vacation to Earth to celebrate. Main Content Archive of Our Own beta. Only, Spock. Jim takes his girlfriend Carol Marcus and his friend Bones to meet Spock, and try to repair his relationship with Carol, and other things happen. It is just his luck, Admiral Komack laments, that he'd be caught in a Klingon hostage situation with an irritatingly cheerful Jim Kirk, a persistently unflappable Commander Spock, and two Klingon ladies who he's starting to suspect are anything but Klingon ladies. ← Previous. No Archive Warnings Apply; James T. she does not know how to paint. Spock felt something hot and wet and heavy fall on his knife hand and the weight of it bore the hand to the ground, pinning it there. Bones does his goddamn best. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksWritten In The Stars-- Explicit Version (A Kirk/Spock Story) by LesbianTrekkie27. Part 8 of the "Soul Possessions" series, covering the secret missions undertaken by Spock and Uhura into the Neutral Zone, as they were assigned in Chapter 26 of part 7 "Pais e Santos". ---. He enters the apartment building quietly under the light of the moon and the buzz of the street lights, heading down the hall and carefully approaching their small shared apartment. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Sometime later (a few months, maybe) Spock and McCoy begin having angry, grief fuled, sex. Spock. Without his beloved Amanda or a new bondmate this season of burning is looking a little more daunting. Then in one soul shattering moment it had all changed. 4. Friends to Lovers. No Archive Warnings Apply. Kirk/Spock; James T. Married James T. Guide Spock; 20 wips and counting WOO HOO; anyway; Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known; do you get that this is a sentinel au yet; dramatic spock; Spirit Animals; jim and spock take simple things and make them complicated; Summary. Something. This is their story of becoming friends, then lovers, and finally husbands. Jim and Spock had been 'testing the waters' to see if their relationship would work for the last three months and Jim had finally had enough. Trauma. User name or email:. One, an emotionless half-Vulcan, believing only in logic. He destroyed his life as a 13-year-old child, he haunted his worst nightmares, fueled virulent phobias, compromised his future. Christopher Pike. “We have a message over subspace. Episode: s01e02 The Corbomite Maneuver. After the Mission. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Dave Bailey. Love. Declarations Of Love. Lets go inside Spock and Christine's minds and see their POV's.